Welcome to Protecsure’s compliance training for Intermediaries. As a company that has been appointed by Protecsure to act as its agent (Corporate Authorised Representative – CAR) in the arranging of insurance, you are required to complete the training to become or maintain your authorised representative (AR) status. Once the training has been completed, ARs will have the authority to quote, issue insurance, and be able to provide general advice on insurance.
Quoting, issuing insurance, and providing general advice to clients without an AR accreditation certificate will be deemed non compliant and could place the CAR status of your company in question.
The Training comprises of;
1. Animated webinar about 8 minutes in duration
2. 16 Question Assessment and Certification
Once the training has been completed, ARs will be sent a compliance certificate.
To commence the training, please watch the full video (including sound) below.
After watching the full video, complete the assessment below. Ensure your entered details are correct for our records.